Books Art New Hampshire Now: A Photographic Diary of Life in the Granite State New Hampshire Now: A Photographic Diary of Life in the Granite State SKU: 9780915916269 Inspired by the Farm Security Administration photography documenting life in America during the Great Depression, the New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists and the New Hampshire Historical Society joined forces to undertake a three-year project to photographically record daily life in the state. This book is the result of nearly 50 photographers covering the seven regions of the Granite State, making thousands of images that create a 21st-century portrait of the people, places, culture, and events in New Hampshire. Gary Samson, award-winning photographer and seventh New Hampshire Artist Laureate, served as project director for New Hampshire Now. This publication, featuring more than 250 photographs and an introduction by Howard Mansfield of Hancock, is a truly New Hampshire product: created by New Hampshire artists; designed by Peter E. Randall Publisher of Portsmouth; printed by Puritan of Hollis, one of the nation’s leading fine art and photography printers; and printed on paper produced by Monadnock Paper Mills of Bennington, founded in 1819 and the oldest continuously operating paper mill in the United States. Photography Editors: Gary Samson, Daniel Gingras, and Michael Sterling; Foreword by New Hampshire Historical Society President William H. Dunlap; Preface by Gary Samson; Introduction by Howard Mansfield. (Hardcover; 288 pages) Availability: In stock Total $49.95 Quantity The product 'New Hampshire Now: A Photographic Diary of Life in the Granite State' was added to your shopping cart.