Historical New Hampshire, Volume 69, No. 3, Fall 2016


Containing articles ranging in time from 1780s Derryfield to 1980s Manchester, an introduction by Manchester Historic Association’s Executive Director John Clayton, and the Manchester mills artistry of Marian Cannon Schlesinger, this themed issue of the New Hampshire Historical Society's journal spans Manchester history from its founding to the present day by focusing on three episodes in Manchester’s past. In the issue's first article, author Matthew Labbe, a Manchester native-son, focuses on early Manchester in his piece, “The Center before the City: Early Manchester through the Lens of the Huse House,” harkening back to a time when the community was located further east of the river and called itself Derryfield. The second article, “‘A True Tale of Disappointed Love’: A Manchester Double Suicide and the Literature It Produced,” by University of North Alabama assistant professor Carolyn M. Barske, relates the sad tale of two young mill women who jumped into the Millyard’s upper canal in a sensational double suicide in 1853. The last article, “Perseverance on the Merrimack: The Challenges and Transformation of the Amoskeag Millyard, 1935–1980,” by University of New Hampshire associate professor Kelly M. Kilcrease, tells the remarkable story of the mills in the years since the closing of the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company in 1936. The issue also includes a section devoted to the art of Marian Cannon Schlesinger and eight of her color images of Manchester mill buildings as they appeared in the 1970s.

Editor: Robert W. Bermudes Jr.
Managing Editor: Elizabeth Dubrulle
Illustrations Coordinator: Joan E. Desmarais

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