Editorial Policy
Historical New Hampshire is a publication of the New Hampshire Historical Society and is a benefit of membership in the Society. The magazine is published for the twofold purpose of encouraging research in New Hampshire history and sharing interesting historical material with the public. The articles in Historical New Hampshire pertain to any aspect of New Hampshire history and culture, although material of regional and national interest may be included if pertinent to New Hampshire. Please note that Historical New Hampshire is intended for a general, rather than academic, audience, and all articles should be written in an accessible style, providing contextual information even for those who are not well-versed in New Hampshire history.
Authors are advised to contact the editor with queries concerning their articles before submission, preferably including a precis or outline. At the editor’s discretion, articles may be submitted for review by members of the editorial advisory board or possibly outside reviewers.
Articles in Historical New Hampshire vary in length but generally are between 2,500 and 7,500 words. Authors must submit manuscripts electronically, preferably in Microsoft Word. Authors who have illustration suggestions are invited to share them as electronic scans or copies. Do not send photographs.
All correspondence regarding Historical New Hampshire should be directed to:
Elizabeth Dubrulle, Editor
Historical New Hampshire
New Hampshire Historical Society
30 Park Street
Concord, NH 03301