Title: Christa McAuliffe: Reach for the Stars
Creator: Traipsing Thur Films (Firm)
Accession / Call Number: 2017.107
Object ID: 2017.107
Date: 2006
Type of Material: moving images
Physical Description: 1 DVD; 75 minutes
Language: English
Scope and Content: "The most complete documentary ever produced on the life of our nation's first Teacher in Space, Christa McAuliffe. It is the story of a courageous woman and passionate teacher and her lifelong commitment to education, a commitment so great that she gave her life when Space Shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986. For those who only know her as a name in a history book, it is easy to see how she came to be so beloved, how deeply her loss was felt across the nation, and how this deeply personal loss drastically changed the dynamics of her family. But out of the tears and mourning came a sense of purpose. Christa was and remains, one of NASA's most visible and beloved astronauts." The documentary was written, produced, and directed by Renee Sotile and Mary Jo Godges. Carly Simon composed the songs for the documentary and Susan Sarandon narrated the film.
Documentary films,
Women astronauts--United States
Godges, Mary Jo,
McAuliffe, Christa, 1948-1986,
Sarandon, Susan, 1946,
Simon, Carly, 1945,
Sotile, Renee
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Terms of Use: For permission to reproduce or publish material from this collection, please contact the New Hampshire Historical Society. Researchers are responsible for following all copyright and intellectual property laws.
Credit Line: Gift of Joan E. Desmarais.
Restrictions: Available for research.
Level Description: Item