Title: "Devoted to patriotic reminiscence" :the New Hampshire Veterans' Association Campground at the Weirs : Historical New Hampshire/ Sally E. Svenson.
Author: Svenson, Sally E.
Call Number: 977.8 N5321h
Publication Information: Concord, NH: New Hampshire Historical Society, 1999.
Physical Description: p. 41 - 56.
Source: Vol. 54, No. 1 & 2 (Spring-Summer 1999) Historical New Hampshire.
Description: The organization of the New Hampshire Veterans' Association in 1875 led to the development of a campground at the Weirs, on Lake Winnipesauke, where reunions of Civil War Veterans were held from 1878 until well into the 20th century. With the area's railway connections, the reunions attracted large numbers of veterans until the late 1880's, when age began to keep them away. Nevertheless, the presence of President Theodore Roosevelt in 1901 drew between twenty thousand and forty thousand spectators. In 1979 the campground was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Language: English.
Locations: United States History Veterans. Civil War, 1861-1865
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