Title: The making of the Carrigain map of New Hampshire, 1803-1816 : Historical New Hampshire/ Frank C. Mevers and Mica B. Stark.
Author: Mevers, Frank C.
Call Number: 977.8 N5321h
Publication Information: Concord, NH: New Hampshire Historical Society, 1997.
Physical Description: p. [78] - 95.
Source: Vol. 52, No. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1997) historical New Hampshire.
Description: The Carrigain Map of New Hampshire, printed in Philadelphia in 1816, was the first map of the state since 1784 to show town boundaries accurately. It proved useful until the 1850's, when county maps appeared. The map took 13 years to produce, from initial plans in 1803 until production in 1816. The map took its name from Secretary of State Philip Carrigain (1772-1842), who devoted his life to the completion and promotion of the map.
Language: English.
Map drawing.
Locations: New Hampshire Maps.
New Hampshire History 1775-1865.
Carrigain, Philip, 1772-1842.,
Stark, Mica B.
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