Title: Nativist riots in Manchester :an episode of know-nothingism in New Hampshire: Historical New Hampshire / Peter Haebler.
Author: Haebler, Peter.
Call Number: 977.8 N5321h
Publication Information: Concord, NH: New Hampshie Historical Society, 1984.
Physical Description: p. 122 - 138.
Source: Vol. 39, Nos. 3-4 (Fall-Winter, 1984) Historical New Hampshire.
Description: In the 1840's-50's, traditional Protestant antipathy toward Catholicism, fed by a large influx of Catholic immigrants, sparked an upsurge of intolerance in the United States. In Manchester, New Hampshire, there was an anti-Irish riot on 3-4 July 1854. The incident was partly an outgrowth of national tensions and partly a response to the evolution of Manchester from an agricultural to an industrial community. By 1860, more than a quarter of the city's population of 20,000 was foreign-born.
Language: English.
Anti-Catholicism New Hampshire.,
Riots Manchester (N.H.).
Locations: Manchester (N.H.) History.
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