Color Me Included: African American's of Hampton's First Church and Its Descendant Parishes

SKU: 9781937721282

Color Me Included: The African American's of Hampton's First Church and Its Descendant Parishes, 1670-1826, is the result of the three-year historical and spiritual search of minister Deborah Knowlton, as she transcribed clergy records from the archives of the First Congregational Church of Hampton, New Hampshire. In these handwritten primary sources, she discovered details of the lives of African Americans, captured over 156 years by 12 ministers. The records informed the author's research, as she rediscovered the names and partial histories of over 27 African American men, women, and children of Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kingston, North Hampton, Seabrook, Kensington, Kingston, East Kingston, Sandown, and Danville, New Hampshire.

Author: Deborah B. Knowlton, M.Div.

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Total $22.00

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