Keep Up Good Courage: A Yankee family and the Civil War: The Correspondence of Cpl. Lewis Q. Smith of Sandwich, New Hampshire, Fourteenth Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, 1862–1865

SKU: 1931807493

Keep Up Good Courage is the history of a soldier, his company and regiment, and his family, town, and state. It is a record not from the staff tent or the officer's mess, but one from the ground up—three years as a soldier. Drawn from Cpl. Lewis Quimby Smith’s 1864 diary, and letters from the Sandwich Historical Society, this title details family life in Sandwich, and the 14th Regiment of NH Volunteers’ experiences in Washington, New Orleans, on the Mississippi, in Shenandoah Valley, and Savannah, Georgia. Included are the battles of Third Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek in the fall Shenandoah Valley campaign.

Author: Alan Fraser House

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