Historical New Hampshire, Volume 76, No. 1, Spring 2023


In honor of the New Hampshire Historical Society’s 200th anniversary, the Society published two special issues of Historical New Hampshire—each exploring the Society’s history—one century at time. This first issue features the article, “’Laudable Purpose’: The First 100 Years of the New Hampshire Historical Society,” which traces the Society’s history from its founding in 1823 through the first quarter of the 20th century. The richly illustrated issue also includes a foreword by Society President William H. Dunlap, as well as sections on “New Hampshire in 1823,” “Milestones of the New Hampshire Historical Society,” Weighing in on Historical Disputes,” and “Memorable Members of the First Century.”

The second issue covers the Society’s next century, from 1923 to the present day. During these years and under the leadership of a long line of outstanding directors, the Society opened one of the state’s first museums and expanded its efforts to share New Hampshire’s history with the public through school programs, exhibitions, lecture series, and tours. Society staff blazed new paths in the realms of historic preservation, digitization, and education, while continuing to develop the definitive collections of library, archival, and museum objects related to New Hampshire. 

As the Society’s current president, Bill Dunlap, remarked during the anniversary celebrations, “A place like this one does not survive, let alone thrive, without the contributions and devotion of many. At the end of the day, despite the importance of the documents and objects we have collected, the essential story of this place is a story of people: their resolve, generosity, and hard work are the reason we exist today.” Meet the people who made it happen and see how they did it in these two special issues.

Authors: Elizabeth Dubrulle and Jennifer Walton; foreword by William H. Dunlap
Editor: Elizabeth Dubrulle
Illustrations Editor: Joan E. Desmarais
(Softcover; 72 pages)

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Total $5.00

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